News - 25th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the start of the spring term. It has certainly been a very busy time here at St Mary's C of E Primary School, filled with exciting events and positive experiences.

Firstly, I am delighted to share that our School Improvement Team from the Trust recently visited us to quality assure our curriculum offer. The feedback has been incredibly positive so far, highlighting the dedication and hard work of our staff in providing a high-quality education for our children.

Last week, we also completed a SEND audit with the lead of SEND and Safeguarding, Liz Tedbury from the Good Shepherd Trust. This showcased the positive provision and interventions we have in place for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The outcomes have been very encouraging, and we are proud of the support we offer to all our pupils.

This week, our Year 6 students had the opportunity to participate in a Greek workshop, enhancing their learning in a fun and interactive way. Similarly, our Year 5 students visited King Edwards School to 'meet' Sir Isaac Newton, further embedding their scientific knowledge on forces.

Today our Reception Class shone with an excellent performance in their first assembly for parents. Their beautiful and energetic singing kept a smile on our faces throughout the day. Well done to the Reception Team!

For my part; after shedding my panda outfit, I have met with the PTA to discuss the exciting events planned for the rest of the term. Additionally, I had a meeting with the Chiddfest team to find out what is in store for Chiddingfold's upcoming music festival. I am looking forward to sharing details with you soon.

Tomorrow, we eagerly await the arrival of The SIAMs Inspection Team. This will be an opportunity for us to highlight how children and adults flourish in our school and our village. We are really looking forward to sharing ALL that Chiddingfold has to offer in school and in our wonderful community!

Finally, I would like to say a HUGE well done to the Chiddingfold Pantomime Society for their performance of Aladdin. The local talent was truly outstanding, and it was a joy to watch. Thank you to everyone involved in making this production such a magnificent success. You should be very proud!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Buckley



On Monday, the Year 5 children went to King Edward's School for an interactive lecture hosted by Sir Isaac Newton himself! It was a great opportunity to consolidate our learning about forces and the movement of the planets around the sun.


Please review Scopay for any outstanding payments due for school trips for next term.


As all schools face difficult financial times, we are always thinking of ways that parents may be able to help. We have added new items to it and staff will be updating it throughout the year so if you would like to contribute then please take a look:


They are currently advertising two roles. Please click on the below links to find out more information: 

St Marys Chef –
St Mary Catering Assistant -

On a termly basis, we ask for a small contribution per family in order to support some of the extended opportunities that we provide. This may be used for additional resources for specific resources i.e. Art or a piece of equipment to be used by pupils on the school site.

In today’s economic climate, I am aware that parents are concerned about requests for financial support from schools. However, the reality of the situation is that, like all schools, in our latest budget we have had to make significant savings, which reflect reduction in our funding allocation from central government. It is only through continued careful management of resources that we have been able to afford to do this
and protect the core curriculum resources. 

With this in mind, your on-going support for the school fund would help us to continue to support
these additional resources. For the academic year, we would like to ask each family to contribute £25 per term; however, anything you can contribute would be gratefully received.

Aladdin, the Pantomime - a message from Chiddingfold Original Pantomime Society:

A huge THANK YOU to all parents, carers, staff and pupils for coming along to the pantomime and for being such fun, supportive audiences!
And to our incredible event sponsors, without whom the pantomime would not have been possible… OH NO IT WOULDN’T!

King Edward’s School, Chiddingfold Kitchens, Hawksmoor Homes, Champion Timber, Chiddfest, Elliott’s, Knight Frank, The Little Gym, The Mulberry, The Marketing Launch Co, Andrew Harrison Architects + Designers, Chiddingfold Cinema, No 37 Mortgages, Village Spirit Collective, Good Grounding Garden Design, Michael Hudson Plumbing, The Music Works and Social Jo.

It’s a privilege to be able to showcase the incredible talent and commitment in this village and do something so joyful that benefits the community. Thank you again from all of the Chiddingfold Original Pantomime Society!

Following Government guidelines, schools are no longer allowed to authorise requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you take your child out of school, you may face a penalty notice.


Year 1 –93.2%
Year 2 – 96%
Year 3 – 91.2%
Year 4 – 96.8%
Year 5 – 93.7%
Year 6H – 90.1%
Year 6N - 94.7%



Wisdom is a core Christian value in our school because we believe through wisdom good choices are made, that it encourages us to learn from our mistakes and encourages us to live our lives wisely for the benefit of all. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’’ John 8:32 Hope Hope is a core Christian value in our school because hope gives us energy and supports us through difficult times.

"Be happy because of the hope you have. Be patient when you have troubles. Pray all the time.’’ Romans 12:12

To act with hope is to aspire to greater things, to promote positivity and courageous advocacy.


Respect is a core Christian value in our school because we believe that all life is precious within the image of God and deserves to be valued.

"Do to others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31

Our Christian value of respect means living up to the image of God with our school, our community and ourselves.


Community is a core Christian value in our school because we know that together we are stronger and can achieve more.

"Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else.’’ Romans 12:16
Everyone in our school, local and global community are needed and valued.